One part of your HVAC system that may not get a lot of attention is your ductwork. However, it’s a very crucial component of your system that’s responsible for circulating air throughout all the different rooms of your home. Unfortunately, if the inside of your ductwork is very dirty, it can lead to a plethora of problems for you and your family.
Air Distribution
One of the most obvious ways that dirty ductwork can affect your home is through the performance of your HVAC system. When there is too much debris inside of your ducting, it can restrict the flow of air throughout your entire system. This will cause your HVAC system to work harder to deliver enough hot or cold air to your entire home throughout the year.
You may notice a decrease in your system’s overall performance level. If most of the debris is confined to a particular location inside your ducting, you may notice uneven heating throughout your home. All the rooms past the point where your ducting is very dirty can struggle to reach an adequate temperature.
Excessive HVAC System Wear
When your HVAC system must constantly overwork to provide enough hot or cold air to your home, it’s going to take a toll on the system itself. Its internal components are going to undergo excessive wear and tear and have a much shorter lifespan. This translates to more issues for your equipment and an overall shorter lifespan for your entire heating or cooling system.
Higher Utility Bills
When too much dirt and debris is stuck inside your air ducts, your heating or cooling system is going to run for much longer than usual to get your entire home to an adequate temperature. Unfortunately, the longer your HVAC system runs, the more energy and fuel it’s going to use. This translates to higher utility bills for you throughout the entire year to keep your home at a comfortable temperature for you and your family.
Poor Indoor Air Quality
Another way that dirty ductwork can affect your home is by decreasing its overall air quality level. Airborne contaminants like pet dander and pollen can all contaminate the air that flows through your ductwork. When these concentration levels get too high, they start to bring down the quality of air in your home. Poor air quality in your home can lead to a variety of different issues for your health and well-being.
Increased Health Problems
Poor-quality air can lead to health problems. Some notable side effects of poor-quality air include dizziness, fatigue, sinus irritation, trouble concentrating, shortness of breath, and even headaches.
If you have allergies and have poor indoor air quality at your residence, you’ll notice that your symptoms are much worse when you’re at home. The same holds true for both asthma and respiratory conditions. When poor-quality air negatively affects your health, it can take a negative toll on your mental health as well. There tends to be higher incidence of anxiety and depression in homes with a high level of indoor contaminants. Your mental health can also be affected by specific contaminants, such as volatile organic compounds. These chemicals can alter your hormone production, cause inflammation, affect the quality of your sleep, and much more.
Addressing Unpleasant Odors
Any unpleasant odors that get pulled into your ducting can contaminate that excess debris and linger. No matter how much you clean your home to get rid of the unwanted odor, it can seem impossible because it’s trapped inside your ductwork. It will then circulate into the various living spaces in your home.
Mold and Mildew Growth
Another major problem that you may experience when you have dirty air ducts is the presence of mold and mildew growth. This growth gives off a musty odor and can be very dangerous to the health of you and your family. Mold and mildew both create spores that travel throughout the air and irritate the sinuses and respiratory system. Those who already have pre-existing conditions like asthma or severe allergies are going to be more prone to experiencing negative symptoms from these airborne mold and mildew spores.
Getting Your Air Ducts Cleaned
One of the best ways to handle dirty air ducts in your home is to get them cleaned by an HVAC professional. They will use specialized equipment that will allow them to access all the different areas of your ductwork that you simply can’t get to due to their confined position. It can also be helpful to have your HVAC technician seal up any leaks or gaps in your ductwork. This boosts efficiency and protects your ductwork.
Anywhere your ducting has developed a leak can allow it to pull in debris from areas such as the inside of your floor and wall cavities. You could get your ducting cleaned today and have it dirty again in a couple of weeks if it still has gaps and leaks present. Most HVAC technicians recommend getting your ducting cleaned every three to five years. However, if you have multiple pets or a health condition like asthma, your household could benefit from getting this process performed more often.
Keeping Up With Filter Changes
Apart from investing in professional duct cleaning service, it’s also important to ensure that you regularly change the filter for your HVAC system. This filter sits in the return ducting and is responsible for trapping unwanted airborne particles before they enter the internal components of your heating or cooling system.
The necessary frequency of filter changes is going to change depending on the specific household. However, most homeowners find that they need to replace their filters every 30 to 90 days. It’s crucial to pay attention to the MERV rating of your air filter, as it can have a large impact on the number of airborne debris that it can successfully trap from your ducting. Typically, you should opt for investing in a filter with a MERV rating between 8 and 13. While they do make filters with a higher rating, these aren’t designed to be put inside
the average residential HVAC system. Your typical residential setup doesn’t have enough power to pull air through the filter efficiently.
Consider a Whole-Home Air Filtration System
Another great option is to consider investing in a whole-home air filtration system. This setup can be paired with UV lighting to help destroy the DNA of airborne particles to prevent them from reproducing. This helps to drastically reduce the number of airborne contaminants in your home. Whole-home air filtration systems are also ideal for dealing with unwanted mold and mildew growth and can have a profound effect on helping to prevent unwanted odors from circulating throughout your home. They also remove things like dust, pet dander, pollen, and more.
Reliable Duct Cleaning Service
Bumble Breeze offers reliable duct cleaning service for the Las Vegas, NV community. We can also assist with all your HVAC, plumbing, indoor air quality, and commercial service needs.
Simply call Bumble Breeze today to book your next service consultation with one of our knowledgeable HVAC technicians in Las Vegas.